Saturday 16 March 2013

Wade Whimsies

The first Wade Whimsies collection began in 1953 and were made through till 1959. They were designed and modeled by William Harper and consisted of 10 sets. Each set has 5 animal figurines with the exception of set 5 which has 4. The manufacture of the Whimsies range was divided between the Manchester pottery and the Portadown pottery in Ireland. The odd numbered sets were
produced by George Wade & Sons Ltd while the even numbered set were produced by Wade Ltd.
Below are some pictures and information for each set.

Set One 1953
The first set includes: Leaping Fawn which is mold marked Wade, Horse (mold marked Wade), Spaniel (unmarked), Poodle (unmarked) and Squirrel (unmarked)

Set Two 1954

The second set includes: Bull (transfer stamped Wade Made in England) , Lamb (transfer stamped Wade Made in England) , Kitten (unmarked) , Hare (transfer marked Wade Made in England) , Dachshund (unmarked)

Set Three 1955

The third set includes: Badger (unmarked), Fox Cub (unmarked), Stoat (unmarked), Shetland Pony (mold marked Made in England), Retriever (mold marked Wade Made in England)

Set Four 1955

The forth set includes: Lion (unmarked), Crocodle (ink stamped Made in England), Monkey (found both unmarked and ink stamped marked), Rhinoceros (transfer stamped Wade Made in England), Baby Elephant (ink stamped Made in England)

Set Five 1956

The fith set includes: Mare (mold marked Wade), Colt (mold marked Wade), Beagle (unmarked), Foal (mold marked Wade)

Set Six (Polar Set) 1956

Set 6 includes: King Penguin (unmarked), Husky (unmarked), Polar Bear (unmarked), Baby Seal (unmarked), Baby Polar Bear (unmarked)

Set Seven (Pedigree Dogs) 1957

Set 7 includes: Alsation (unmarked), West Highland Terrier (unmarked), Boxer (unmarked), Corgi (unmarked), St. Bernard (unmarked)

Set Eight (Zoo Set) 1958

Set 8 includes: Llama (unmarked), Lion Cub (unmarked), Giant Panda (unmarked), Bactrian Camel (unmarked), Cockatoo (unmarked)

Set Nine (North American Animals) 1958

Set 9 includes: Snowy Owl (unmarked), Raccoon (unmarked), Grizzly Bear (unmarked), Bear Cun (unmarked), Cougar (unmarked)

Set Ten (Farm Animals) 1959

Set 10 includes: Piglet (unmarked), Italian Goat (unmarked), Fox Hound (unmarked), Swan (unmarked), Shire Horse (unmarked)

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